Career Resources

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Explore career paths, prepare for the workplace, and establish new connections in your network on Cane2Cane, Toppel's career mentorship platform.
Handshake will help you find your next opportunity for career development. Browse jobs, internships, events and fairs to find the one that is right for you!

Toppel wants to help you make your professional documents stand out to a potential employer.

Interviews are your chance to make a good impression and seal the deal for that job or internship. Toppel can help you by providing opportunities to practice and enhance these skills.

These resources are especially helpful to graduate students.

Learn more about your background, experiences, uniqueness, and the value you can bring to future employers. We have resources tailored to various identity groups like first-gen students, LGBTQ+, students of color, BIPOC students, student-athletes, veterans, students with disabilities, and women-identifying students.

Toppel is committed to supporting student organizations and campus partners by offering customized programs based on your needs. 

The Toppel Insider provides information as to upcoming events, interviews, job/internship opportunities as well as other relevant information.

The professional headshot photo booth is a resource for UM students, Alumni, Faculty, and Staff to get their professional headshot taken for their LinkedIn, Handshake, or professional profile photos.
