Why Recruit at the U?

The University of Miami features nine undergraduate schools and colleges and offers more than 180 majors and programs. Take a look at this snapshot of our students to see where they come from and how they engage on campus. We also encourage you to review our Recruiting Practices to maximize your efforts to engage our students.


Recruiting Practices

The Toppel Career Center has developed the following practices to ensure that University of Miami students and alumni are treated fairly and are being recruited for viable positions. Employers and organizations recruiting UM students are expected to abide by and adhere to these policies in addition to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Ethical Professional Practice and the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In addition to the recruiting policies below, please also review our job posting policies.


Non-Discrimination Policy 

It is the policy of the University of Miami that no person within the jurisdiction thereof shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information or any other protected factor be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination or harassment (including all forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence) under any program or activity of the University, regardless of whether such program or activity occurs on-campus or off-campus.    

The Toppel Career Center adheres to this policy. As a result, we will provide access to UM students (via Handshake postings, information sessions, programs, and events), and make our facilities available only to recruiting organizations whose practices are consistent with this policy. 


Offer Deadline Policy

The Toppel Career Center requires that you abide by the following offer policies to allow our students sufficient time to carefully consider their employment options and make informed decisions.

  • Summer: Full-time or internship offers extended to students during the summer should expire no earlier than Fall Recess (UM Academic Calendar).
  • Fall: Full-time and internship offers extended to students during the Fall semester should expire no earlier than November 15th or a minimum of three weeks after they are given (whichever comes later).
  • Spring: Full-time offers extended to students during the Spring semester should expire no sooner than two weeks after they are given. Internship offers should expire no earlier than the beginning of Spring Recess (UM Academic Calendar) or a minimum of two weeks after they are given (whichever comes later).

These deadlines will give our students sufficient time to explore their options and make as informed a decision as possible. In the end, we want you to obtain the best candidates and we want our students to have the best opportunities! In the spirit of collaboration, we hope that you will inform us of any offers made and also let us know of any of our students who renege on an acceptance of an internship or full-time job offer.

Job Type Restrictions

Commission-Only Employment

Employers and individuals offering employment/entrepreneurial opportunities must pay a base salary equal to or greater than the federal minimum wage and comply with federal, state, and local regulations.

Upfront Product Purchase

Employers and individuals offering employment/entrepreneurial opportunities with compensation packages requiring commission only or requiring prospective employees to purchase products or services upfront are not permitted to recruit on campus or attend career fairs.

“Pyramid” or "Multi-Level" Employers

Employers/individuals offering employment/entrepreneurial opportunities based on a "pyramid" or "multi-level" networking structure requiring or encouraging the recruitment of others who recruit others and so on to sell products and services will not be permitted to recruit on campus or attend Career Fairs.

Part-Time Positions

We do not post part-time positions. To post your part-time job, contact the Office of Student Employment at ose@miami.edu or visit their website.

Babysitting or Other In-Home Employment

We do not post babysitting jobs or other positions where an employee will work out of someone else's dwelling (house, apartment, condo, etc).

