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March 31, 2021

Busting Toppel Myths

You’ve probably heard a lot about the Toppel Career Center in your time on campus – but it’s possible that not all of it is true! This special issue of our weekly Toppel Insider newsletter is here to help you sort fact from fiction. We’re breaking down the biggest myths about Toppel and giving you the answers that will help you maximize our services. This edition of “Toppel Mythbusters” starts now...


MYTH: Toppel is Only for Business Majors

FALSE! We put this one in big, bold letters at the top of the newsletter for a reason. This is a common misconception from people who are not familiar with what we do at Toppel. Our services are designed for all students at UM, unrelated to your major or your career aspirations. We prepare students to make educated decisions as they explore potential internships, jobs, graduate school, and other professional opportunities. We also engage with employers from all industries, and while not all industries recruit on campus, we help students make connections with organizations they have an interest in. And let’s not forget our exploratory students! We provide just as much support and guidance to these students as well.

One example of how we do this is through Career Circles. These are industry/academic-focused communities in a variety of areas that work with you as you achieve your career goals. You can learn more about these here.

So, whether you’re looking to solidify your interests or skills, get ready for a job or internship interview, or make connections that will launch your career, rest assured that Toppel has you covered.


MYTH: You Don't Need Toppel Until Junior or Senior Year

FALSE! It’s never too early to start thinking about your career. Your future self will thank you for taking the time to sharpen your career-related skills during your first and sophomore years. You aren’t as busy with advanced courses and extracurriculars yet, and you generally aren’t midway through a job/internship search. Getting the preparation you need before you’re in the middle of this competitive process will leave you confident and capable of doing your best.

If you’re a first-year or a sophomore, what can you do? Well, you can start by meeting with an advisor to identify your values and goals, and how they relate to career paths. You can learn what you can do with your major. You can discuss how to search for internships and practice networking (and even gain a mentor!) in your field of interest. Check out more information on our website.


MYTH: You Need an Appointment to Use Toppel

FALSE! You can use virtual Drop-In Advising to meet with one of our advisors and get your career questions answered on the spot! Our team is available to meet with you Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, no appointment necessary. We also have a number of resources and services available through our website that you can take advantage of anytime! These include ways that you can explore majors and careers, search for jobs and internships, and access career resources that can help prepare you for the hiring or grad school application process.


MYTH: You Have to Have Everything Figured Out Before Using Toppel

MYTH: Toppel Will Do the Work For You

MYTH: Your Major = Your Career

MYTH: Toppel is the Only Place for Career Advice

FALSE! The Toppel Career Center is here to help you figure everything out! Our advisors will work with you through the process of deciding what you want to pursue – and we have resources that can make this easier for you.

Not sure where to start? Take the Career Explorer by Sokanu today. This career assessment is designed to measure a person’s traits and interests and then match them to careers. Take the assessment and share your results with a Toppel advisor – we can answer your questions and provide insight and advice as you take the next steps in your career planning.

FALSE! Think of Toppel as a study guide to assist you in your career search – not an answer key. We can’t write your resume for you or promise that you’ll walk away with your dream job without putting in the work. Completing interview practice sessions, attending events, networking with recruiters, gaining work experience, and developing your personal brand – these will take time and attention from you in order to set you apart as an applicant.

What we can do is help prepare you for that process and give you the advice and the tools that you need to succeed. Just by reading these weekly newsletters, you’ll have access to weekly events, job/internship postings, featured resources that could be useful for you, and articles that might change your perspective on career-related topics. You will get out of your career search what you put into it, and that starts before you have an interview lined up.

FALSE! What you study in your time at UM doesn’t hold you to a specific job for the rest of your life. There’s no major that translates to just one career and one career only. In college, you’re opening yourself to different perspectives, skills, interests, and opportunities, regardless of your specific major or degree concentration. As you transition into the workforce, these will continue to evolve – as will your career.

Rarely is anyone’s career path a direct one. Careers are jungle gyms, not ladders! For advice on how to navigate different career paths, you can talk to a career mentor on Cane2Cane. And check out this article for more reasons why your major shouldn’t be something to worry about.

FALSE! We offer a number of great resources and support systems for you both inside and outside the U. Some faculty and staff are trained Career Champions, many recruiters answer questions on Handshake and during events, and there are lots of career mentors eager to help you on Cane2Cane. However, it can still be helpful to do your own research and seek alternate perspectives. Here are some additional resources and articles that you can use to further your search for solid career advice:


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